Manchester State Park

Manchester Beach, California

Earlier this year we headed to Mendocino area for a little romantic getaway. We enjoyed our time there and decided to take the scenic route home. One of the stops we made was the beach at Manchester State Park. It’s just north of Point Arena Lighthouse, and even has the cutest KOA campground nearby.

The path to the beach led through the dunes from the parking area. Once on the beach the sand was dark and warm. Lots of driftwood was scattered about, I gathered some to shape into a heart. In the distance stood Point Arena Lighthouse and Stornetta National Monument/Public Lands. The sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline was very present, and we only shared the beach with a handful of others. The waves cut into the beach along the shoreline, and a small creek ran along the beach before depositing into the ocean.

I don’t know that it is the type of beach we’d stay at all day, but it certainly made for a peaceful stop.

North Coast Sand Dunes, in California North Coast Sand Dunes, in California North Coast Sand Dunes, in California Manchester Beach KOA Manchester State Park in Northern California Manchester State Park in Northern California Manchester Beach Manchester Beach KOA Watching the waves

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Responses to “Manchester State Park”

  1. Gorgeous photos! I love how uncrowded it was. There’s something so peaceful about being the only one (or one of only a few) on the sand. And now thanks to this piece, I’ve started digging for more info about the Point Arena Lighthouse. Every time I see one, I have to stop!

    1. Thanks, Patricia! We actually made a stop at Point Arena lighthouse but they charge you to enter the grounds. I forget how much it was, but for the 5 minutes we had to spend there it wasn’t worth it for us. I actually found the gate keeper pretty rude about it. I love the grounds and land the lighthouse is on, it’s near Stornetta National Monument and appears to be upheaved diagonally so there are lines in the cliffs.

  2. Truly stunning photos – the sky and the water almost merge together with those blissful blues.

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