Alt Summit Winter 2016

View from the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah View from the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah Sunset from the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah

Last month I attended at Alt Summit Winter 2016. Not only was it my first full-scale Alt Summit conference, it was my first time speaking in public! I hosted a round table discussion about branding, and finding your niche in the blogging world. The flight into Salt Lake started out a little hectic. After receiving a flight delay notice I decided to head home and take my older son to school before heading to the airport (luckily only 10 minutes away!). Just as I was getting ready to drive him to school, I received a flight update that said my flight was still scheduled on time. I don’t know if it was destiny or dumb luck that I was able to get to the airport and make my flight, but I’m so glad I did. I arrived roughly an hour before it was scheduled for take off, and made it to my gate just before boarding. Phew!

Presenting at Alt Summit Winter 2016 Presenting at Alt Summit Winter 2016. Photo © Alt Summit
Photo © Alt Summit

I was so nervous on the way there, and leading up to my time slot that I’m sure I was mentally checked out for some of the conference. I am very much an introvert and need time to myself during large social gatherings. Going back to elementary school I remember being docked points for not being able to speak in front of the class. It was so mortifying and leading up to this experience brought back all of those memories for me. I knew I’d be scared but pushed through because I’ve been trying to do more of what scares me. I find I always come out feeling so much better in the end. I shared a room with my friend’s Reichel and Sally, and I’m so glad I did. Not only were we able to look out for each other, they were there to help me calm myself down before my session time and assure me that I’d do well. Reichel was a speaker too, and I sat front row for her panel (She was in front of a much larger audience and did amazing!).

At the start of my session, the table filled quickly. I brought my favorite champagne candy from Sugarfina and worksheets for everyone who stopped by. At least if my speech was bad, they still had candy right? Ha! Fortunately everything seemed to go over well and we got to the more relaxed Q&A part of the session. I felt such a relief knowing that the harder part was behind me. The next day I hosted an early morning session that was pretty empty. I think everyone was still sleeping, I would be too.

The courtyard at The Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah

Alt Summit Winter 2016 With Bay Area based bloggers, Rachelle of TinkerLab, Sally from Little Hiccups, me, Reichel of CopyCatChic, and Meagan of The Art Pantry.

Old Courthouse in Salt Lake City, Utah Old Courthouse in Salt Lake City, Utah Old Courthouse in Salt Lake City, Utah Old Courthouse in Salt Lake City, Utah Theater in Salt Lake City, Utah Hyatt House in Salt Lake City, Utah

After Alt Summit wrapped up, Reichel and I checked into Hyatt House (review coming later, spoiler alert: it was perfect!) and stayed an extra day to explore more of Salt Lake City. It was very chilly and ended up snowing that night, so I didn’t do too much exploring. I had dinner with family at Avenues Proper, followed by some delicious fig sorbet from Hatch Family Chocolate.

View from Hyatt House in Salt Lake City, Utah Downtown Salt Lake City, as seen from The Avenues neighborhood in Salt Lake City, Utah. Downtown Salt Lake City, as seen from The Avenues neighborhood in Salt Lake City, Utah. View from Hyatt House in Salt Lake City, Utah View from Hyatt House in Salt Lake City, Utah Flying from Salt Lake City, Utah

All in all I think it was a wonderful trip and wish I had more time to spend there. I wanted to do a lot more exploring (like seeing the ‘ice castle’), and Sundance was going on in Park City, who wouldn’t want to stay for that? We’re headed back in June as a family, so hopefully then I will get to see more.

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Responses to “Alt Summit Winter 2016”

  1. OMG those mountains and all of the snow! What a perfection location for ALT Summit. Looks like it was a great time!

    Cameron Proffitt

  2. Looks like you had a great time! I would have loved to be at your table, picking your brain! I am always obsessed with your photography!


    Brittany ||

  3. Gorgeous photos, Jessica! It was so great to spend time with you at Alt. You are awesome for facing your fears and doing more of what scares you. I’m hoping to do the same this year.

  4. I bet the view from the airplane of those mountains was amazing! Public speaking is a huge fear of mine and I am trying to get better at it as well. It looks like you had a fun time!

    Amanda ||

  5. This looks like sooo much fun! I wish I had gone & met you there. Maybe someday! xx

  6. […] all of the excitement for Alt Summit was over, I had an extra day to spend in Salt Lake City. I checked in to my suite at Hyatt […]

  7. […] California. It’s an easy flight and for this trip was just as easy as when I flew out in January to speak at Alt Summit. The only difference is that then the mountains were covered in snow, and now they were not and the […]

  8. will you please let me know next time you’re in salt lake ? id love to meet you! I love your work

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