Bean Hollow State Beach

Bean Hollow State Beach in California

Sometimes we can never get enough beach time. After I returned from my trip to Grand Cayman in October, the very next day we headed to Bean Hollow State Beach. We had never been there before and wanted to check it out. It’s a small little cove with warm sand and strong waves. Not very advisable for swimming, but it was protected from the wind by the cliffs, and the parking lot is very small so not many people crowd it.

Finding shells at Bean Hollow State Beach in California Bean Hollow State Beach in California Bean Hollow State Beach in California Playing in the sand at Bean Hollow State Beach

Exploring the bluffs is one of my favorite parts about living in California. Most are okay to explore but you need to watch for unsupported areas and areas that are closed for rehabilitation. Coastal erosion is a big problem here, so stay safe and be respectful. I love all of the iceplant that grows along the rocks. It blooms in purple and yellow flowers during the wetter seasons.Bean Hollow State Beach in California Bean Hollow State Beach in California Bean Hollow State Beach in California Bean Hollow State Beach in California Playing in the sand at Bean Hollow State Beach Coastal growth at Bean Hollow State Beach Bean Hollow State Beach in California Bean Hollow State Beach in California Bean Hollow State Beach in California Bean Hollow State Beach in California

Bean Hollow State Beach
New Years Creek Road
Pescadero, California 94060

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Responses to “Bean Hollow State Beach”

  1. These photos are magnificent! You have such a talented eye! What a lovely beach!

    xo, Christina

    Christina | Fashion & Frills

  2. It looks so peaceful- what a pretty beach! I wish I lived near one, because if I did, I would be there everyday.

    Amanda ||

  3. How beautiful! I love your photos always!


  4. […] Have you ever been to the same place twice and had a totally new experienced the second time around? We visited a local beach that we had been to before, but not explored much beyond hte sand. It’s called Bean Hollow State Beach and it’s closed to Pescadero, California. Now there’s Bean Hollow State Beach and there’s Bean Hollow State Beach, if you know what I mean. These two beaches may share the same name and reside in the same recreational area, but there’s quite a difference between the two. Bean Hollow Pebble Beach is on the very Northern tip of Bean Hollow State Beach and is a world apart from it’s sandy cove cousin. […]

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