Fern Canyon at Van Damme State Park

Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park near Mendocino, California
One of the most magical places we saw in Mendocino County was the Fern Canyon Trail at Van Damme State Park. While we were improperly dressed to hike the whole trail, we still were able to see the first couple of miles of it with ease, and it was magic. The trail is easy, paved, and flat, and was not very busy on the Friday that we hiked it. We only saw a couple of other people during our whole hike.

Van Damme State Park
8001 North Highway 1
Little River, CA 95456

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Responses to “Fern Canyon at Van Damme State Park”

  1. What a beautiful place! You have my seriously wanting to go back out there so badly to see all these hidden gems!

  2. Oh my this is just plain gorgeous!!! I love all that moss and my husband would love this too!!!!

  3. This is totally stunning! The green is gorgeous– we’re out in the high and dry desert of Utah at the moment which is beautiful in its own way, but I love the lush vegetation here 🙂

  4. Ahhh so pretty! I love all the natural parks in the west coast. I recently took a trip out there and hiked in Big Sur…


  5. Linda Doll

    So lush and green!! I love it! . You captured it perfectly, Jessica!!

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