Iguana Island Catamaran Cruise

In the early afternoon we all loaded onto a 65 foot long Island Routes catamaran headed for Iguana Island, a.k.a. Little Water Cay. There were roughly 100 of us, and I honestly wasn’t sure that we’d fit. We fit with all of our belongings with some room to spare. It was smooth sailing when we remained in the reef, and the water remained an unbelievably beautiful shade of blue.

After a rough go with snorkeling outside of the reef, a few of us felt uneasy. I gladly shared some of my dramamine (motion sickness pills) with everyone who needed it, hoping it would help. After awhile it finally started to work for me and I was able to enjoy the trip a little more.

Turks and Caicos Catamaran Cruise

We parked at Iguana Island and my husband took off with Søren to fly while Aiden and I explored. We found the easiest way to find the iguanas was to follow their cute little tail and foot prints. We found quite a few as we scurried around the island barefoot.

Little Water Cay

Once we made it across the island, we found Steve flying and Søren playing in the sand. Aiden joined him for awhile until we heard our horn sound and it was time to leave. I think this island was my favorite place on our trip because it was so empty and wild.

Little Water Cay

Little Water Cay

Our final stop on the way home was just off the coast to swim in the ocean. The boat had a waterslide on the back that was really fun to go down. Aiden didn’t want to go and Søren wasn’t too happy when we took him with us. I think they were just tired after a few hours at sea and exploring.

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Responses to “Iguana Island Catamaran Cruise”

  1. What a gorgeous location!

    1. jessica

      Isn’t it?! I’m still swooning over the white sand and color of the water.

  2. ahhh these photos are so beautiful! I really want to go now.

    xx Tess

    1. jessica

      Thanks, Tess! You should. 🙂

  3. Love everything about this

  4. […] I wasn’t participating in the conference, we were near the water. Whether it meant we were on a catamaran, at the beach, or by the pool it didn’t matter because everywhere was […]

  5. SO amazing. Where is your hat from? I luv it !

    1. It’s called ‘Innix’ by Sun’N’Sand. I picked it up at the gift shop at the resort because I forgot my hat at home (I know, right?!).

  6. […] any big activities planned for this trip, as I’ve opted to stay on land instead of doing the catamaran cruise so I don’t have to deal with motion sickness. I’m in love with the high-neck bikini […]

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