Last Minute Digital Gifts

Last Minute Digital Gifts

As someone who likes to plan ahead, the fact that Christmas is in less than 10 days is a little stressful for me. I’ve focused the remainder of my holiday shopping to digital gifts that I don’t have to wait to be delivered. No more wrapping, no more shipping or delivery tag, and no more stress. Tooday I’m sharing some of my favorite last-minute digital gifts with you.

… and of course my favorite, a Christmas coupon book!

On a more personal note…
I’m taking a little break from this space and slowing down on social media for the holidays and plan to return in January with more of what you’ve come to love in this little space of mine. Until then, happy holidays and happy new year!

Do you have any suggestions for last minute or digital gifts? What are your plans for the holidays?

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Responses to “Last Minute Digital Gifts”

  1. lisalisa

    These are some great digital gift ideas! I didn’t do any digital gifts this year which is kind of unusual because I always give a few away. I agree with you also, Christmas Coupon Books do make great gifts for sure! Happy Holidays!

  2. So many people are into the different digital gifts. Especially the men and teenagers. Always good to keep up with the most popular products out there.

  3. These sound like great options for digital gifts. I prefer digital gifts over any others because they are so easy!

  4. CourtneyLynne

    Oooo awesome digital gift suggestions!!!!! I never thought of giving a digital gift! Next time I buy a gift I will think digital

  5. I find digital gift cards much easier to give in this generation. Also, it means I don’t have to visit the store.

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