The Road to Solvang, California


When I was planning our trip to Solvang, California, I thought it would be easier for us to just drive. It’s only about 4 hours from our house, so why not? Søren has been doing a lot better in his carseat lately so it was worth a try. We stopped near Kettleman City near a sort of fast food and gas station oasis for a late lunch and to let the boys stretch their team-wiking-blog-road-to-solvang-california-3

Our drive continued along highway 41, from Kettleman City, California to Paso Robles, California. There isn’t a lot to see on this highway (unless you count the James Dean memorial!), but once the fog made it’s way into the valley it was a beautiful sight. All in all, it was a relaxing drive through the rolling hills. The kids slept most of this length. It was the kind of drive you can take to just clear your mind and reflect on life.
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There was quite a bit of traffic between Paso Robles and Pismo Beach, California. It took us a lot longer than expected and Søren did get fussy a few times but was easily distracted.

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Once we finally made it to our hotel we checked in and grabbed dinner at the Solvang Brewery. It was close and there was no wait and they were patient with our toddler. The food wasn’t too bad and I was just happy to get my hands on some Danish meatballs.

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Response to “The Road to Solvang, California”

  1. I drove to San Luis Obispo for Christmas and had a similar drive. I love the landscape through that part. So beautiful. Love the pictures!

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