Dreaming of Mendocino County, California

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redwoods by raul diaz / fog by floyd stewart / ravine by c. hanchey / seaglass beach by john k. / birds by allie caulfield / fort bragg by wwg / coast road by paul hamilton / ocean by john k. / point cabrillo lighthouse by anita ritenour / noyo bay by john hudson

I’m very much a Northern California girl at heart. I love Northern California for it’s jagged coastline and sometimes rainy stretches. The towering redwood trees and dense morning fog speak to my heart. Despite loving all of this, and driving south on highway 1, I still have not been very far north on the California coastline and I feel like the northern coastline of California doesn’t get as much love as it should. I’d love to go spend a few days tucked away in a little town in Mendocino County, perhaps Fort Bragg or even Mendocino itself. Maybe it could be a romantic getaway for Steve and I when Søren is old enough?

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Responses to “Dreaming of Mendocino County, California”

  1. Gorgeous photos. I love the glass beach. My parents live on Lake Huron and one of my favourite things to do in the summer is hunt for unique pieces of driftwood and beach glass.

    1. That sounds like so much fun!

  2. Oh these pictures are so stunning! I would love to visit the county!


    1. Thanks, I try to curate nice ones! Image credit is at the bottom if you’d like to pass any compliments down to the photographers. 🙂

  3. breath taking photos! you really choose the best photos! that glass beach is amazing!

    1. I want to visit it so bad! It was actually formed because it was an old garbage dump and while most of the garbage was taken away, the glass remained and was polished by the sand and waves.

  4. Perfect for a romantic getaway. These photos are so beautiful!

    1. I hope! Thanks, you can pass the comments on to the photographers via the image credit links. 🙂

  5. Such a beautiful part of the state.
    I haven’t made it very far north either. Must do something about that!

    1. Yes, you must! We’ve gone to russian river area but never much farther north.

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