A Connected Home

This post is sponsored by Samsung.

Connected home - how we live in a rental and still are able to use smart things to make life in our home easier.

Years ago if someone had told me that I would have a phone that can control parts of my house I never would have believed them. Not only did I grow up in a small town, we were always last to catch on to any new technology. Fast forward to today and I live in one of the most tech-forward parts of the world, the Silicon Valley. Everything is connected, from our cell phones to everyday items in our home. Today I’ve partnered with Samsung to share some of the ways we keep our (rental) home connected to the outside world.

With our recent move we’ve been experiencing some trouble with Wi-Fi reaching everywhere we need it to. Though our new place is much smaller, it’s pretty long and narrow in shape with a detached workshop and garage space. I always thought that we needed to own a home to utilize any smart technology, but with how quickly smart things are advancing, even in a rental we can be connected. Along with our Frame TV, we use a robot vacuum, wireless speakers, security cameras, and need Wi-Fi to work well on all of our devices since we both have businesses run out of our home. Connect Home not only expands our Wi-Fi reach, it offers a SmartThings Hub (and app!) so that we don’t have to have a different application for each of our smart things.

Part of making my life easier is that I have everything I need at the end of my fingertips and Connect Home helps keep all of these devices and life-tools running smoothly and as easy as pushing a button. Our old Wi-Fi unit was pretty large, so I’m glad the new Connect Home is sleek and looks great even just sitting on a shelf. Isn’t it amazing that right now, today, you can control items in your home with your phone? The Connect App makes managing all of our smart devices so easy and the ability to control everything through one app is so magical to me.

Our Favorite Rental Compatible Smart Things:

Connected home - how we live in a rental and still are able to use smart things to make life in our home easier.

This post is sponsored by Samsung, a company that we’ve owned household electronics by for years (see our Frame TV here). Thank you so much for helping to support the sponsors that make life here at Hej Doll a little sweeter. All opinions are my own.

Do you have any connected items in your home? What are some of your favorite smart things?

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Responses to “A Connected Home”

  1. It is so amazing how you can control everything with a click of a button, I love the idea of having a smart home & am definitely going to look into it after seeing how great you have found it. The Frame TV is top of my tech list at the moment & the connect home looks brilliant. Thanks so much for sharing your smart home, so inspiring!


    1. I’m so amazed at all the things I can add to the app, but mostly I’m so glad I can finally get Wi-Fi signal everywhere in our house! Now I can sit in the driveway and look up directions on my phone without having to turn off the Wi-Fi signal to switch to data, haha.

  2. Gladys parker

    I’m older so all technology impresses me. I remember when taking a college class one of the professors had a cell phone and I was wow’d. Now a days every time I learn about something one of my grown children act like it is old news. haha My son and his wife have the Echo that will turn on, off, brighten or dim all of their lights. I was so impressed. Now after reading this I see there is much more. I love it. I have owned Samsung products but obviously not this update.

    1. Haha. I still feel that way and we are surrounded by lots of tech. I remember playing snake on my first cell phone and that was like miraculous.

  3. Kelly Reci

    It is amazing that technology conquers even home product. And I’m actually looking to make my home a little smarter. Thank you for sharing us these tons of amazing smart home devices. Some of these are pretty cool! I love the Sonos Wireless Speakers and want to buy one.

  4. I love the fact that his doesn’t take a lot of space and it’s one of the best things that you can have at home to help make life easier! It’s so cool that you have control over everything through an app!

  5. I am loving all of these options! We definitely want more in our home. I would love everything to be hooked up to my phone.

  6. Ann Bacciaglia

    It is amazing how far technology has come in the last 20 years. I would love to have a connected home. I will have to check out Connect Home. I have a great security system I can check from my phone. That is my favorite home feature.

  7. I’ve heard about the Philips Hue lightbulbs and they sound good. I would like to have the device to turn these on and off.

  8. Lisa Offen

    Your home looks great. It’s wonderful you figured out how to share the space effectively.

  9. Oh My Gosh!! You have the one and only TV that I would want in my home (we haven’t had one everrrrr) But I’m totally in love with this one. Great post

    1. I’m so glad we switched! I couldn’t stand looking at the huge black hole of a TV we had before.

  10. Ya having a FRAME TV is really amazing. I was a bit confused whether it’s a TV or a Painting. You have added some new ideas to my dictionary. A perfect example of a modern home. Thank you, Jessica.

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