California From Above

San Jose International Airport Runway #SJC California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. California from above. An aerial view from 36k feet. Foggy at LAX Los Angeles Airport Foggy at LAX Los Angeles Airport Drone Racing League LApocalypse

If you follow along on instagram or snapchat, you’ll remember that I just took a short (very short, 12 hours!) trip to Los Angeles. Our flight left at dawn and returned in the late evening. I can’t recall that I’ve ever flown out of San Jose at dawn, and the marine layer around the mountains in California was nothing short of amazing. California from above is so very beautiful. This Winter we’ve actually received a decent amount of rain, so the mountains are all greener than they’ve been in the last few years. It really made me remember why I love living in California so much.

The purpose of our trip was for an event for my husband’s company. It was my birthday weekend and I didn’t want to be left behind. Plus, we haven’t had a date night in forever! My mom stayed back with the kids and we had a day to ourselves (and the rest of the airport). While I can’t say much about the event, let’s just say it involved a shopping mall that hasn’t been open since 1999 and some really fast drones.

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Responses to “California From Above”

  1. Your images from above are gorgeous! Can’t believe they were all shot through the window of a plane….beautiful! All the rain this year has definitely made everything even more beautiful! We live in a gorgeous area and state for sure!

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean, too. Sometimes the windows are a little mucky and it’s hard to take photos through. I flew over the Grand Canyon once and couldn’t get anything good, it drove me crazy!

  2. […] for my weirdest packing experience. Awhile back my husband and I flew to Los Angeles for all of a 12 hour trip. I didn’t take luggage, but I did take a few things to get me by on the plane and throughout […]

  3. […] hard for me sometimes to visualize what Spring looks like in the rest of the country since California is usually mild. You’ll either need to adjust this list pending weather, or just take a trip […]

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