
Finding myself in gratitude. Finding myself in gratitude.

Reflecting on the past year, it has been one of the hardest in my life. I’ve gone through quite a bit for someone my age, but somehow the last year has been a complete mess. From a very close family member’s heart attack and health deteriorating, to my own health issues, to having to move after an ugly situation, to being in a car accident last week, this year has not been easy. While I try to remain a positive person and use this space as an uplifting place to share highlights and helpful information, it’s hard to keep out negativity. Today I’ve decided to devote this space to reflect a little extra positivity.

In my family member’s health, I’m thankful that they are still here.

In my own health issues, I’m thankful for the health that I do have.

In our quick move, I’m thankful that we are no longer in a bad situation.

In my car accident, I’m thankful for insurance and that it wasn’t worse.

I’m so grateful to everyone who has helped make a difference in my life this year.

Recently I’ve started using the five-minute journal and at first I was pretty skeptical, but taking those few minutes to write out my daily affirmations is really starting to make a difference. I’ll be taking the next week off to spend with my family, I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Finding myself in gratitude.

What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year?

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Responses to “Gratitude…”

  1. Neely Moldovan

    I love posts about gratitude. THey are honestly my favorite to read. I need to do more!

  2. I have so much to be grateful for as well. These types of posts are always encouraging to read.

  3. I wrote two posts about what I am thankful for but I still will add here I am thankful for being free from the abusive relationship and that I am alive today to stand up and speak against abuse. Great post

    1. That is something to be VERY thankful for, congratulations! Without adding too much detail, I’ll just leave it at that I can sympathize. <3

  4. Catherine Sargent

    I love to see what everyone is thankful for this time of year. I am thankful for my family and my friends.

  5. Jeanine

    So much to be thankful for! So lovely and encouraging. I too would love to start a 5 minute journal. I think it would be a lot of fun.

  6. When it rains, it pours but the the sun has to come out eventually. My family went through a terrible time when I got sick, the dominoes just started to fall. Then you start to pick them back up and start again. I hope it has turned around for you.

  7. I’m sorry you have been through so much this past year. I really admire and appreciate your emphasis on gratitude. I kept a gratitude journal for a while and found it was a wonderful way to refocus each day.

  8. Good health is something that most people take for granted, especially the younger that they are. I am also thankful for mine and my family’s health even though there have been some bumps in the road.

  9. I think being grateful is so very important. There are so many things in life that people take for granted.

  10. I’m so glad that you have things in your life to feel thankful for.

  11. So sorry to hear that this has been a difficult year for you. It has been in my family as well, but it looks like we are finally coming out the other side. Wishing you and your sweet kids all the best for 2018!

  12. It is really important to recognize that there is always something to be grateful for. Loved this! <3

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