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Five Steps to a Closet Makeover, Featuring tips from Shira Gill

Five Steps to a Closet Makeover, Featuring tips from Shira Gill

If you’re here, you’ve come from my panel at Neat Retreat and you’ve made it this far! Congrats! Thank you for attending my panel, and I applaud your interest in streamlining your wardrobe.

Benefits of a capsule wardrobe

  1. Owning only clothing you love and fits well will allow you to love what you do have even more.
  2. With less options, you will spend less time getting dressed.
  3.  You will become more resourceful and creative, pairing up items that you might not have before.
  4. Packing for a trip becomes a lot easier because you’re not weeding through clothing or shoes you don’t like.
  5. Redefining your personal style will make you feel more polished and confident.

3 Steps to a Capsule Wardrobe

How to clean out your closet, plus the before photos!

Step 1. Reduce

The first step to a capsule wardrobe is doing a big celanout. Here are posts on how to clean out your closet & what to do after. These will explain the process in better detail. If an all-in-one-go isn’t for you, I have the perfect post for you to read on a naturally curated closet or the simple hanger trick.

Maintaining your closet, tips & tricks to help your capsule wardrobe last longer.

Step 2. Rebuild

Now you get to define your personal style a little, and look for gaps in your wardrobe. Do you have an outfit for any occasion? Here are some tips for building your capsule wardrobe! Don’t be tempted to fill your closet back up all at once, you don’t even have to add anything new if you don’t need it. Here is a list of some of my favorite places to shop.

5 Tips For Keeping A Minimal Closet

Step 3. Maintain

Maintenance mode is crucial for any year-round capsule wardrobe. It’s like being on a crash diet, the first part is often easy but the lifelong part after is harder. Here are my favorite 5 tips for keeping a minimal closet & how to care for your clothing so it lasts. I also have a post on shopping tips for a capsule wardrobe.

Looking to create something for a little one or teen? Here’s how to create a capsule wardrobe for kids, including a worksheet to help them define their style.

Questions? I’m always just an e-mail away and love to interact with readers. I’m also on instagram often, though it’s harder for me to respond to messages there.