Ultimate Travel Light Workbook

Ultimate Travel Light Workbook - A free printable step-by-step workbook to help you travel light.

Of all the content that I’ve created on this little blog of mine, the most popular posts by far are my travel light packing guides. Today I’m so excited to announce that I’ve created a free printable Travel Light Workbook to give even those with the least experience with travel an easy way to pack light. My step-by-step guide includes everything from research, to outfit planning, editing, and finishing touches to help you achieve a carry-on travel life. I included questions I ask myself, and even a checklist of items you might forget on your travels. You can download it below.

Ultimate Travel Light Workbook - A free printable step-by-step workbook to help you travel light.
You can click on the image above to download, or simply click here.

Popular packing posts:

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Do you travel light? Have any tips to add?

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Responses to “Ultimate Travel Light Workbook”

  1. Robin rue

    Ugh, I am such an over packer! I always figure that is better to have something and not need it than need it and not have it 🙂

  2. I’m quite the light packer myself. I usually plan my outfits around our itinerary so I don’t end up bringing shoes I won’t end up using.

  3. Neely Moldovan

    I need this. I am such an overpacker and I really need to pare things down. I’ve gotten better about shoes and accessories.

  4. I have trouble packing light. Then again, I usually travel with my two small children, so we have to bring quite a bit!

  5. I had headphones like those once – my kids broke em ;). They are awesome because they collapse. I either pack too much or too little lol.

  6. How neat! This is definitely something I need LOL With 10-month-old twin girls, I NEVER travel light LOL I’m sure I could learn a lot from you!

  7. I’m the worst at packing. I don’t actually think about the events or the days I need to dress up for. I just throw everything in a bag and run out the door!

  8. We’ve been able to create a travel worksheet ourselves to remind us of things not to forget. It also helps keep us from overpacking!

  9. Tiara Wilson

    These are some great tips to packing light. I always worry about packing so much and then I do and always leave something behind.

  10. Awesome packing list! I always pack too much lol so this is so perfect for me!

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