Best of 2017, Home Living

A modern-tropical California outdoor living Room.From A California Outdoor Living Room

Continuing on with the most popular posts this year, today I’m sharing what the most popular home living content has been, and it looks like home decor are your favorite this year, which is great because after our big move, I’ve got lots more to share of our new place too.

Top 10 Home Living Posts on Hej Doll in 2017

Benefits of Minimalism, 30 ways living more minimally will improve your life.10. The Benefits of Minimalism

I got rid of my TV. - A look at Samsung's new "The Frame" television. It's a TV that functions as art in your home.9. I got rid of my TV

How to stay calm and declutter your home.8. How to Stay Calm and Declutter

Photo Tips Series - How to take self-portraits (not selfies!). Perfect for DIY holiday photos!
7. How to Take Self Portraits

Motherhood & Minimalism - 10 tips for getting your kids to live a more minimal life6. Motherhood & Minimalism

5. Minimalist Baby Essentials

Free printable weekly to-do list4. Printable To-Do List

Olive Oil and Rosemary Popcorn, a perfect and easy snack!3. Olive Oil & Rosemary Popcorn

A modern-tropical California outdoor living Room.2. A California Outdoor Living Room

Pre-teen movie night birthday party1. Aiden’s Movie Birthday

What was your favorite home living content on my blog this year?

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Responses to “Best of 2017, Home Living”

  1. I always enjoy going back and seeing the best of the best blog posts of the year. It’s certainly a time to look back and reflect before moving on. I see a few posts I want to go back and read, especially the one about getting rid of your TV.

    1. Ahh yes, me too. It’s nice to reflect back on my work. The TV was one of my favorites!

  2. I just love this decor! Everything looks so clean and bright. One day I hope to have better decor.

    1. Thanks Amber, you’ll get there!

  3. You have a beautiful home! I agree decluttering is something I want to do more of in 2018. I will start by selling things and then off to Goodwill it goes. Less clutter means more productivity I think!

    1. I think it helps a ton with mental load and being able to better focus. 🙂

  4. I loved the outdoor living room. Such a a fun and good looking idea.

  5. You had a really busy year didn’t you! I look forward to seeing what the new year brings us all.

  6. I love your outdoor layout very relaxing. Great to hang out with after a long and tiring day at work. I can see myself and my family sitting their and having a good conversation while relaxing.

  7. the decor is just exquisite ! I love the small detail/ finishing touches you’ve done. especially on the popcorn. 1 idea I am definitely stealing.

    your layout has given me inspiration for how to organise my space.

  8. I loved the piece on building an outdoor living room. We have recently purchased our first home together as a couple and have been shopping for all of the home accessories like mad. We are focusing on minimalism and a lot of open space. We have been making great progress in all of our areas except the back patio. It’s very small, but one of the prime selling features for our home. You see, it backs up into open space so it’s not the area inside of the screens that matters so much as getting access to the nature beyond.

    The one key essential is grilling, because nothing beats meat cooked over the fire. Then, we wanted some seating that was comfortable, functional, and somewhat weather (and bug) resistant. It was the bug aspect that had us abandon anything with pillows and the comfort aspect that had us looking at spring steel rockers. The center piece was going to be a table, but, our love of fire led us to a wonderful fire pit that could also function as a place to set drinks and food. Multi-purposing furniture usage was essential to get the most out of this small space.

    The rest…. We’ll see about that. As your advice goes – we’re bringing in the furniture first and then focusing on the rest.

    1. Ahh, it’s so good that you’re identifying the function of the space. Best of luck with it!

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